Cameroon Cholera Immediate Needs Appeal Dinner

The ARPEDAC is pleased to announce the successful hosting of their first-ever fundraising dinner at the Loft. This dinner was organised to raise Biosand Pilot Project funds to contribute of stopping the spread of cholera in Cameroon. The cholera fundraising dinner took place on Wednesday 1st December 2010 at the Loft Bar in Nottingham, Mansfield Road, in UK.


Thank You

The ARPEDAC team would like to extent their gratitude to all those who came out in support this event, including those who made donations to this worthy cause. ARPEDAC is also grateful to the LOFT to host this event, a special thank to the Manager, Job Alain for taking time to prepare the dinner and to join us at this event. To those who could not make it for this event, do not despair you can still make your donations direct to ARPEDAC.

 Amount raised

A total amount of £420 was raised at this dinner. Of this amount, €190 went towards paying for the dinner & others (volunteers transports)  while, €230 was handed over to ARPEDAC to be used to combat cholera in Cameroon. This amount although small will still make a difference. Once more thank you to all those who took part in this event.


ARPEDAC is an association opens for membership to anyone from Cameroon, UK or anyone who wants to be identified with this organisation. The challenge to stop cholera in Cameroon does not end with this event. Any further donations to aid work to stop cholera in Cameroon can still be made directly to ARPEDAC through their online facility, or by contacting them. Please specify “Cameroon Cholera Appeal” in all cases.

ARPEDAC will update you of the project.

Thanks for your support.

Please forward to your contacts,

We wish you all in advance a Merry Christmas!